Maria Grammatico Pasticceria Estratto di Pomodoro | Dorothy Lane Market

Maria Grammatico Pasticceria Estratto di Pomodoro

Maria Grammatico Pasticceria Estratto di Pomodoro


About This Item

Maria Grammatico Pasticceria Estratto di Pomodoro is made in the old fashioned way from a Sicilian heirloom variety of San Marzano tomatoes under the hot Sicilian sun. Dense, glossy, and intensely fruity, this potent tomato paste brings outstanding depth and sweetness to any dish. Ripe tomatoes are carefully ground by hand and the paste is spread onto wooden boards and placed in the hot summer sun to dry for 8-10 days. The estratto, tomato paste, takes on a deep red color and is lightly salted with sea salt and topped with a thin layer of olive oil. It's then hand-packed as to preserve the quality of the paste. The addition of a small spoonful of estratto will bring richness to any tomato-based sauce, soup, stew, marinades or rubs. We recommend spreading a thin layer on toasted DLM Artisan Bread with a drizzle of Vera Jane's Extra-Virgin Olive Oil for a perfect appetizer.


Try it in our recipe for Provençal Beef Stew!

Slow roasting this dish allows the meat to become fork tender and the flavors to meld together. Serve over a mound of mashed potatoes or buttered wide egg noodles for a comfort food favorite.

Get the recipe >>

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